Next Automatic Writing LIVE Class >>> October 22nd, 2024 [CLICK HERE to Learn More!]

"I'm here to help you raise your vibration, elevate your consciousness and shift your life to a whole new level."



Check out my #1 tool for channeling guidance & direction!

Get Access to My FREE
Automatic Writing Masterclass!

Sign up to receive Instant Access to my FREE Masterclass on how you can use Automatic Writing to learn how to tap into Spirit, ask questions, and get the direct guidance you need, to gain purpose and direction, and feel on-track in your life!

Upcoming Virtual Live Events!

What's in it for you?

  1. Become a Modern Mystic! Learn how to plug into Spirit, and stay in a state of Grace, and get wisdom from the other side of the veil. Becoming a modern mystic, you'll find greater peace, understanding, and knowledge of the world, beyond anything you've experienced. This understanding and connecting to the other side of the veil, will begin to perfuse and positively change all areas of your life.  
  2. Learn how to attract and manifest! Once you begin vibrating at a higher level, you'll quickly begin seeing magic in your life. Opportunities will appear, new people will show up, and you'll become an attractor magnet for goodness.
  3. Discover the basic tenets of becoming a mystic and how you can begin quickly and easily begin implementing them in your life.
  4. Learn from the Masters: Each month we learn the greatest techniques in channeled teachings from the mystics through the ages, helping you quickly become a mystic in your own right!  
  5. Learn "real world" techniques! Teachings modernized and upgraded for the current state of the world, technology, and energies all around - so you can apply their techniques for "the real world"!
  6. Learn how to manifest - while you'll learn how to get in the upper room, you'll still have needs here on Earth. Learn the most effective techniques from the masters, to attract what you desire and more - for your highest good, and the highest good of all.
  7. Easy-to-follow action plan  Takes the guesswork out of things! Clear acton steps to take every week, so you make progress towards becoming a modern mystic!
  8. Learn POWERFUL energy shifting exercises! No matter the expert or the teaching, it all relies on one thing, high-level energy for powerful results. And in this program, you'll get the tools and techniques to get in this high-flying state fast!
  9. Find your path! Each teaching helps you become a modern mystic, and help NAVIGATE this world. As the expression goes "Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water". 

Click here to join Michael Sandler's School of Mystics!

8:30pm EDT, 7:30pm CDT, 6:30pm MDT, 5:30pm PDT

Turn your journaling into channeling with the Automatic Writing Experience!

During this LIVE Zoom call, Michael & Jessica will review the basics of Automatic Writing. This is your chance to ask your AWE questions live!

If you haven't signed up for the Automatic Writing Experience (AWE) course, you can do so here:

>> Click here to find out more.

Once you're enrolled in the course, you'll automatically receive access to the monthly live Zoom calls. 

Automatic Writing is a powerful tool and Michael & Jessica will explain how their lives were transformed, as well as the lives of thousands of others, by using Automatic Writing every day.  

If you've wanted to learn how to connect with your Guides, Angels, loved ones or your own Higher Wisdom, the Automatic Writing Experience will help you to do that.

We have guidance available to us 24/7 and each and every one of us can learn how to connect to it!

Michael Sandler's School of Mystics

Michael Sandler's School of Mystics
An on-going series with a new focus every month

 Become a Modern Mystic! Learn how to plug into Spirit, and stay in a state of Grace, and get wisdom from the other side of the veil. Becoming a modern mystic, you'll find greater peace, understanding, and knowledge of the world, beyond anything you've experienced.

Each month Michael will be channeling a different teaching. Each teaching helps you become a modern mystic, and help NAVIGATE this world. As the expression goes "Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water". 

Meets 4 Wednesday evenings every month.

Learn more!

Foundational Courses

If you are seeking the highest guidance, direction and wisdom to take your journey to the next level, we recommend these 3 foundational courses. These courses are designed to provide your spiritual journey with practical tools, ritual and structure.

AWE (The Automatic Writing Experience)

Michael Sandler's #1 tool he teaches all of his coaching clients to gain guidance & direction. He and his wife, Jessica practice AWE on a daily basis. 

Learn More

The Magical Morning Routine for Busy Spiritual Seekers!

Spring-board success through a powerful morning routine! Michael's unique program to create a balanced work, home, and spiritual life, starting bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!

Learn More

The Magical Evening Routine for Slumbery Spiritual Seekers!

The secret to more peace and getting things done always comes from the night before. Find out how to get your greatest night's sleep ever and wake up energized & refreshed!

Learn More

About Your Instructor
Michael Sandler

Michael Sandler is an inspirational author, motivational speaker, transformational coach of nearly 30 years and hosts Inspire Nation Show, one of the world's most popular spiritual self help podcasts and youtube channels. Together, with his wife Jessica Lee, their mission is to help the world shine brighter and bring a lot more WOOHOO to everyone's day!


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